Jejak BOcahiLANG

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea

Good Morning! : Sumba’s Coffee

Morning from East Sumba

Morning from East Sumba

Coffee is the part of my life.

I drink coffee every morning.

I drink coffee when i stuck with my activities.

I drink coffee when I travel.

Good morning from East Sumba :-)

Morning in Sumba

Morning in Sumba


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20 comments on “Good Morning! : Sumba’s Coffee

  1. Nortehanon
    October 5, 2013

    How I wish I can drink coffee as much as you do. Unfortunately, it sometimes triggers my migraine.

    Have a great weekend!

    • Halim Santoso
      October 5, 2013

      Have a great weekend too miss N :-)

  2. Pingback: Good Morning Marigold | Anchors Aweigh

  3. Danan Wahyu Sumirat
    October 5, 2013

    kopi selalu bikin rindu

    • Halim Santoso
      October 5, 2013

      Pagi hari terasa hambar tanpa kepahitan dari kopi #halah :-) :-)

  4. Pingback: A Shred Matrix Morning | Sogna Grandezza

  5. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge / B4 Retouch: Good Morning! (Goedemorgen!) | What's (in) the picture?

  6. Bang Ardin
    October 5, 2013

    wow jadi kemaren nginep dimana di waingapu?

    • Halim Santoso
      October 5, 2013

      Makasih sebelumnya uda dibantu info2 wisata Sumba nya.
      Pas di Waingapu kemarin nginep di Hotel Elvin ama Sandalwood, bang :-)

      • Bang Ardin
        October 5, 2013

        Iya sayangnya kemaren tidak sempat ketemu karena pas kalian datang kami pergi…

      • Halim Santoso
        October 5, 2013

        Padahal uda penasaran en kepingin ketemuan ama Bang Ardin en Bang Herry di jalan hehehe :-D

  7. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning | Processing the life

  8. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Good Morning! | patriciaddrury

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge : Good Morning!

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Very Good All Vinyl Morning | Humbled Pie

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning! | Through the Eye of Bastet

  12. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning Monkeys | Processing the life

  13. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Good Morning Monkeys | Processing the life

  14. Arinda
    November 6, 2013

    Setuju sekali :)

  15. Pingback: Good Morning from Ireland! | Ireland, Multiple Sclerosis & Me

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