A Day in My Life. Another multi-photo challenge! Make sure you include picture captions to explain to people what they’re seeing, and experiment with the tiled galleries.
Yogyakarta is a very managable city. I went from Solo to Jogja used the train that stopped at Tugu train Station. I walked from station to Malioboro street and I stopped at the Benteng Vredeburg. I continued walking towards Taman Sari and see the amazing underground mosque. It’s time for lunch… I bought fried Indomie with iced tea for my lunch. I continued my trip to KotaGede by bus. As you know, KotaGede is not the place that sell silvers everywhere, this place has the stunning old buildings. I surrounded KotaGede for one hour and honestly it was not enough. I had to go back to Tugu train Station and had to catch my train back to Solo. :-)
New to The Daily Post? Whether you’re a beginner or a professional, you’re invited to get involved in our Weekly Photo Challenge to help you meet your blogging goals and give you another way to take part in Post a Day / Post a Week. Everyone is welcome to participate, even if your blog isn’t about photography.
Excellent captured mas… :D
– Wah… ‘hunting’ ke Jogya ya mas ? Happy Easter –
Iya om Bam… Kmrn habis dari Jogja muter seharian, dan inilah hasilnya hehe… :-)
Happy Easter too.
Wah..ketemu lagi yang Indonesia..hehehehe.
Salam kenal dari Solo, pak :-)
Deket dong..Hehehe
Salam kenal juga dari Semarang.
Penasaran sekali dengan underground mosque. Jadi kepengen ke sana.
Fotonya mantap-mantap mas ! :D
Terima kasih kawan… :-)
Underground mosque letaknya nggak jauh dari Taman Sari, bisa bertanya ke penduduk setempat biar nggak nyasar hehe.
Ooo gitu ya mas ! Oke lah , kapan2 ke Jogja, tempat yang pertama kali akan saya samperin adalah masjid ini. Makasih info nya mas :D
keren! baru tau ada weekly photo challenge, jadi pengen ikutan :)
Bisa diklik link yang tersedia untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut photo challenge-nya :-D
siap! :)
nice clicks
Thank you Amar :-)
Mantap mas foto-nya.. Saya kalau ke Jogja paling pingin ke Taman Sari.. Penasaran.. hehehe
btw, apapun fotonya, makanannya tetap Indomie ya…. *toss* :D
Indomie memang tetap di hati hihihi…. *toss juga* :-)
That is a wonderful day full of amazing and fun sights. And the food….yummy!
Yeah…that’s an amazing day of my life. I love Yogyakarta and Indomie :-D