Jejak BOcahiLANG

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea

NEW Year, NEW Hope

I was forgiven by forgiving many things
Including my childhood so long ago
I was healed, though I intended to heal
I’ve just noticed, in the way
That I was saved by love
Though I tried to keep love away

You come down quietly from somewhere
And always tell me
Of the happiness just near to me

No rain, can’t get the rainbow



This week theme of The Daily Post –> NEW

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10 comments on “NEW Year, NEW Hope

  1. th1nk
    January 3, 2015

    Lovely rainbow!

    • Halim Santoso
      January 6, 2015

      I found it where I was ride in South Kalimantan, Indonesia. Thank you :-)

  2. donna imelda
    January 3, 2015

    Ah… speechless. Jangankan melupakan, bahkan saya belum juga mampu memaafkan, diri saya.

  3. neng ayu
    January 6, 2015

    Cantiik rainbownya :)

    • Halim Santoso
      January 6, 2015

      Kejutan tak terduga di tengah perjalanan. Kalau diamati seksama di atas pelangi ada pelangi lagi, ya double rainbow :-D

  4. Gara
    January 7, 2015

    That double rainbow is sure amazing. Great photo.

  5. buzzerbeezz
    January 17, 2015

    eh.. ioni perfect banget pelanginya

    • Halim Santoso
      January 17, 2015

      Dapet double rainbow Ri… kupikir cuma bisa ketemu di lautan seperti banyak pejalan pamer saat mereka LOB di Raja Ampat, ternyata di Kalimantan pun bisa :-)

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