Jejak BOcahiLANG

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea

Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

This food called Tahu Kupat in my hometown. This food is not original from Solo City, you can find similar food in other cities in Central Java – Indonesia.

Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

This food consist of pieces of fried tofu, rice cake, gimbal, sliced cabbage, with noodles and fried peanuts as the topping. All poured with a special sauce made ​​from a mixture of soy sauce and garlic. This is my lunchtime. :-D

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16 comments on “Lunchtime : Tahu Kupat

  1. The Peckish Kiwi
    March 22, 2013

    Oh boy that looks delicious.

    • Halim Santoso
      March 22, 2013

      Thank you. I’m glad to hear that :-)

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Lunchtime | Flickr Comments

  3. ARK
    March 22, 2013

    That looks so tasty…

    • Halim Santoso
      March 22, 2013

      it’s really delicious…your must try when you go on holiday to Indonesia :-)

      • ARK
        March 22, 2013

        Sure Halim. BTW thanks for posting such a tasty delicacy…. that too something which is purely veggie

  4. Ruslan
    March 23, 2013

    kalo di tasik kupat tahu namanya.. nama hampir mirip tapi beda bgt ya isinya, itu ada kacangnya dan mie :D

    • Halim Santoso
      March 23, 2013

      Di Magelang juga namanya Kupat Tahu tapi kuahnya nggak semanis di Solo.
      Mungkin karena pengaruh kulturasi kuliner, jadi bahan dan bumbunya sudah dimofikasi sesuai selera lidah daerah masing-masing hehe…

  5. isna saragih
    March 23, 2013

    weekly foto chaleenge sistemnya kayak turnamen foto perjalanan gak mas ?

    • Halim Santoso
      March 23, 2013

      Post foto sesuai tema tiap minggunya, tapi nggak ada the winner :-)

  6. isna saragih
    March 23, 2013

    keren nih … btw, cara ikutannya gmn mas … mohon pencerahan / link nya :)

    • Halim Santoso
      March 23, 2013

      Silakan buka untuk ikut sertanya :-)

      • isna saragih
        March 23, 2013

        ok … thanks

  7. Adam @ PergiDulu
    March 23, 2013

    Looks nice! Will have to get Susan to take me to a place that sells it. :)

    • Halim Santoso
      March 24, 2013

      Thank you for your visiting, Adam :-)
      You can find Tahu Kupat in Solo, Magelang and other city in Central Java. Let’s visit Central Java :-D

  8. dedy oktavianus pardede
    April 12, 2013

    i like it even more when they served it with crushed and crusted toasted peanuts…

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