Jejak BOcahiLANG

Life is like the surf, so give yourself away like the sea

Weekly Photo Challenge : LOVE

This week The Daily Post‘s photo challenge theme is LOVE.

The most amazing word in the world is LOVE…

For me… Beautiful view of sunset is LOVE sign from the World…

sunset with LOVE in Uluwatu - Bali

sunset with LOVE in Uluwatu – Bali

“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind, And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind” – A Midsummer Night’s Dream quote

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3 comments on “Weekly Photo Challenge : LOVE

  1. Zen
    January 27, 2013

    Very romantic.. nothing fancy, just nature and love.. :)

    • Halim Santoso
      January 27, 2013

      Thank you Zen :-D

      • Zen
        January 27, 2013

        You’re welcome. :)

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This entry was posted on January 26, 2013 by in Photo CHALLENGE and tagged , , , , , , .



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